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Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 28: e55157, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1529185


RESUMO. Esse artigo analisa a institucionalização da assistência social no Brasil e a implicação dos trabalhadores sociais neste campo. Partimos da narrativa de vida de Maria, que da experiência religiosa parte para a militância nos movimentos sociais e institucionaliza sua prática na ampliação da assistência social do governo de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva em 2004. Neste contexto de luta e paixões, Maria investe em um saber prático que se torna o ponto de partida para a construção de uma sobreimplicação. Pelo método de narrativas de vida e da análise institucional, o trabalho contempla o campo micropolítico de um percurso biográfico para chegar a aspectos sócio-históricos da constituição da pasta no país e a construção de uma sensibilidade peculiar por parte dos trabalhadores. Essa sensibilidade, construída nas experiências anteriores ao trabalho social e potencializada no encontro com a política institucionalizada, pode adoecer os profissionais e favorecer a precarização da política pública quando alimenta um compromisso pessoal que se nega a enxergar a complexidade do que seja manter a seguridade social com competência e seriedade no país.

RESUMEN Analizamos la institucionalización de la Asistencia Social en Brasil y la implicación de los trabajadores sociales en este campo. Para esto, partimos de la narrativa de la vida de María, que a partir de la experiencia religiosa, comienza a ser militante en los movimientos sociales e institucionaliza su práctica en la expansión de la Asistencia Social del gobierno de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva en 2004. En este contexto de lucha y pasiones, María invierte en conocimiento práctico que se convierte en el punto de partida para la construcción de una sobreimplicación. A través de la metodología de la historia de la vida y el análisis institucional, el trabajo contempla el campo micropolítico de una ruta biográfica para llegar a los aspectos sociohistóricos de la constitución de la pasta en el país y la construcción de una sensibilidad peculiar por parte de los trabajadores. Esta sensibilidad, basada en experiencias previas al trabajo social y mejorada en el encuentro con la política institucionalizada, puede enfermar a los profesionales y favorece la precariedad de las políticas públicas cuando alimenta un compromiso personal que se niega a ver la complejidad de lo que significa mantener la seguridad social con competencia y seriedad en el país.

ABSTRACT. This article analyses the institutionalization of Social Assistance in Brazil and the implication of social workers in this field. For this, we start from Maria's life narrative, which from religious experience, starts to militancy in social movements and institutionalizes its practice in the expansion of Social Assistance. Maria invests in practical knowledge that becomes the beginning for construction of an overimplication. Through theory and institutional analysis, the work contemplates the micropolitical field of a biographical path to reach socio-historical aspects of the constitution of the paste in the country and the building of a peculiar sensitivity on the part of the workers. This sensitivity, built on experiences prior to social work and enhanced in the encounter with institutionalized politics, can make professionals sick and favors the precariousness of public policy when it feeds a personal commitment that refuses to see the complexity of what it means to maintain social security with competence and seriousness in the country.

Política Pública , Apoio Social , Categorias de Trabalhadores , Assistência Religiosa/educação , Serviço Social , Instituições de Caridade/educação , Narrativas Pessoais como Assunto , Análise Institucional/políticas , Governo
Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 54(1): 39413, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526450


The study aimed to assess the occurrence of problem behavior in children in vulnerable situation and its correlation with parenting styles, socio-demographic characteristics, and gender. This was a crosssectional study with 37 caregivers of children aged 6 and 11 years of age (x̄=8,6±1,5) assisted by a basic protection service of the Unified System of Social Service of a municipality in Paraná state. Both Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and the Parental Style Inventory IEP were administered. Correlations between SDQ and IEP subscales (ps<0,05) and between hyperactivity/ inattention and age (ρ=0,439; p<0,01) were found. Boys presented higher scores of total SDQ score (t(35)=-2,81; p=0,008) hyperactivity/ inattention (U=249,0; p=0,009) than girls. Lower socioeconomic condition and status and negative parenting practices are risk factors for childhood problem behavior. Then, intervention programs and public policies directed to their families might reduce the occurrence of problem behavior

Objetivou-se avaliar a ocorrência de problemas de comportamento em crianças em situação de vulnerabilidade e sua correlação com estilos parentais, características sociodemográficas e gênero. É um estudo transversal realizado com 37 cuidadores de crianças entre seis e 11 anos de idade (x̄=8,6±1,5) assistidas por um serviço básico de proteção social de um município do estado do Paraná. Dados foram coletados por meio do Questionário de Capacidades e Dificuldades (SDQ) e o Inventário de Estilos Parentais (IEP). Correlações entre subescalas do SDQ e IEP (ps<0,05) e entre hiperatividade/ falta de atenção e idade (ρ=0,439; p<0,01) foram identificadas. Meninos apresentaram escores de SDQ total (t(35)=-2,81; p=0,008) e de hiperatividade/falta de atenção (U=249,0; p=0,009) maiores do que as meninas. Condição socioeconômica baixa e práticas parentais negativas são fatores de risco para a apresentação de problemas de comportamento infantil. Consequentemente, programas e políticas públicas de assistência social direcionados às famílias podem reduzir a sua ocorrência

Objetivó evaluar la ocurrencia de problemas de la conducta en niños en situación de vulnerabilidad y su correlación con estilos parentales, características sociodemográficas y genero. Es un estudio transversal con 37 cuidadores de niños entre seis y 11 años (x̄=8,6±1,5) acompañados en un servicio básico de protección vinculado al Sistema Único de la Asistencia Social en una municipalidad del estado de Paraná. La coleta de dados ocurrió por medio del Cuestionario de Capacidades y Dificultades (SDQ) y el Inventario de Estilos Parentales (IEP). Correlaciones entre subescalas del SDQ y IEP (ps<0,05) y entre hiperactividad/ falta de atención y edad fueron identificadas (ρ=0,439; p<0,01). Niños presentaran escores de SDQ total (t(35)=-2,81; p=0,008) y hiperactividad/ falta de atención (U=249,0; p=0,009) mayores que las niñas. Bajas condiciones socioeconómicas y practicas parental negativa son factores de riesgo para la presentación de problemas de conducta infantil. Como consecuencia, programas y políticas de asistencia social dirigidas a estas familias pueden reducir su ocurrencia. Consequentemente, programas e políticas públicas de assistência social direcionados às famílias podem reduzir a sua ocorrência

Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 61(3): 513-519, ago. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1418359


Los derechos humanos, incluyendo la concreción del derecho a la salud, en Perú, contempla el mandato dirigido a los poderes públicos para que organicen la asistencia sanitaria, como elemento causal, específico y adopten el conjunto de medidas necesarias para lograr la prevención de las enfermedades o la mejora de las condiciones sanitarias generales, mediante el método de proyecto en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje se abordan los principios rectores de la política social y económica, contenidos del Estado social, y los mecanismos de justiciabilidad y exigibilidad. Se estudió el proceso enseñanza y aprendizaje significativo sobre asistencia sanitaria y servicios sociales en los talleres técnicos, en la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, de la Universidad Peruana Los Andes, durante el periodo lectivo 2019-II. En el egresado conlleva la interacción entre los conocimientos y la información nueva que recibe, en este proceso se construye un nuevo conocimiento o profundiza en los ya existentes. Este conocimiento es organizado y sistemático con conexiones interdisciplinarias entre ideas, se promueve desde el trabajo en equipo y colaborativo, capaz de vencer ambigüedades, complejidades y a lo impredecible; y aprovecha los recursos o herramientas de la vida real, por lo que el método de proyecto es una herramienta pedagógica aplicable a la formación del abogado(AU)

Human rights, including the realization of the right to health, in Peru, contemplates the mandate directed to the public powers to organize health care, as a causal, specific element and adopt the set of measures necessary to achieve the prevention of diseases or the improvement of general sanitary conditions, through the project method in the teaching-learning process, the guiding principles of social and economic policy, contents of the social State, and the mechanisms of justiciability and enforceability are addressed. The teaching and meaningful learning process on health care and social services was studied in technical workshops at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Universidad Peruana Los Andes, during the 2019-II school period. In the graduate, it involves the interaction between knowledge and the new information received, in this process a new knowledge is built or deepens existing ones. This knowledge is organized and systematic with interdisciplinary connections between ideas, it is promoted from team and collaborative work, capable of overcoming ambiguities, complexities and the unpredictable; and it takes advantage of the resources or tools of the real life, reason why the project method is a pedagogical tool applicable to the training of the lawyer(AU)

Humanos , Educação/métodos , Direito à Saúde , Direitos Humanos , Peru , Serviço Social/educação , Estudantes , Universidades , Advogados/educação , Educação Continuada/métodos
Interdisciplinaria ; 38(2): 116-133, jun. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279211


Resumen Este artículo sistematiza la experiencia de perfilado de personas usuarias de los servicios sociales de Pamplona, ciudad al norte de España. Tras un año de trabajo, el equipo multidisciplinar del programa ha logrado perfilar la población atendida e identificar los criterios de atención y la frecuencia del seguimiento. El resultado ha sido la clasificación de tres programas de atención: (1) programa de incorporación con atención básica, (2) programa de acompañamiento socioeducativo y (3) unidad de apoyo psicológico. En cada uno de estos programas se identifican hasta siete tipos distintos de perfiles psicosociales. A partir de esta estructura y criterios, se han definido tres grados de intensidad en la atención: alta, media y baja, que requieren metodologías de acompañamiento, seguimiento y frecuencia distintas. Esta experiencia aporta dos resultados con grandes potencialidades para el sector profesional y académico de ámbito psicosocial y socioeducativo. Por un lado, evalúa de manera multidisciplinar el modelo de intervención socioeducativa con las personas en exclusión social. Por otro, sistematiza y comparte un modelo consensuado para la intervención desde los servicios sociales. La literatura internacional y estatal en los campos de la inclusión social comparte retos y desafíos. Por ello, esta sistematización aporta criterios técnicos, bases teóricas, enfoques y metodología que seguro arrojan luz a dilemas profesionales presentes en otros territorios.

Abstract This article systematizes the profiling experience of social service users in Pamplona, a city in northern Spain. The economic crises in Spain had a strong psychosocial impact on people affected by unemployment or job insecurity. After a decade of the serious crisis that started in 2008, at least one out of ten homes in Spain has experienced a mental health disorder or depression. For this reason, an important volume of social service users in Spain accumulate situations of poverty and psychosocial deterioration, especially in the field of social incorporation. This involves a strong pressure on the services with an increasing volume of people with a diversity of needs and psychosocial profiles, ultimately impacting in the fight against poverty and social exclusion. Faced with this situation, the professionals of the Social Services of Pamplona began a multidisciplinary work process to define and systematize the intensity and focus on social service users. 19 professionals (the total of professionals in the area) from different disciplines related to psychosocial and socio-educational care (social educators, social workers, psychologists) participated in this process. After a year of collaborative work, they managed to outline the population and identify support criteria and follow-up frequency. The results introduce the classification of three care programs: (1) incorporation program with basic care, (2) socio-educational support program and (3) psychological support unit. Up to 7 different types of psychosocial profiles were identified in each of these programs. Based on this structure and the criteria, three degrees of care were defined: high, medium and low intensity, which require different support, monitoring and frequency methodologies. This intensity takes into account the level of psychosocial deterioration social service users. To establish these criteria, social work professionals have utilized a variety of diagnostic tools in the intervention areas of employment, health and consumption, care or personal and family situation. They also supported the analysis with a diagnosis of social skills in education and training. Social care professions, such as Psychology or Social Work, were born from the alliance between theoretical baggage and professional practice. The theoretical and methodological support of both professions came through the systematization of interventions carried out by pioneers in the field, the consolidation of evidence-based models and theoretical reflection. This experience provides two results with great potential for the professional and academic ground in the psychosocial and socio-educational field. On the one hand, the evaluation of socio-educational intervention models with people in social exclusion in a multidisciplinary way. On the other, it systematizes and shares a consensual model for intervention from social services. International and local literature in the field of social inclusion share these challenges, hence, this systematization provides technical criteria, theoretical bases, approaches and methodology that will surely shed light on professional dilemmas present in other territories. The social and behavioral sciences provide interesting methods for evaluating practice and redefining procedures. The alliance built on this experience allows important steps to be taken for the social service sector. Experiences such as these can encourage the awakening of other methodological revision and systematization processes, contributing to the necessary debate and discussion on strategy assessment and adaptation of social services to new realities.

Interdisciplinaria ; 38(2): 259-274, jun. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279220


Resumen Los trabajadores sociales tienen unas elevadas exigencias laborales como consecuencia, entre otros factores, de la excesiva burocratización de las organizaciones de servicios sociales. Ante esta realidad, durante su proceso formativo, los estudiantes de trabajo social deben desarrollar competencias emocionales para hacer frente a estas demandas profesionales que pueden afectar a su bienestar y rendimiento laboral. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y correlacional de corte transversal del que participaron 187 estudiantes del primer y segundo curso (n = 105 y n = 82, respectivamente) de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Málaga (España). El 89.30 % eran mujeres y la edad promedio fue de 20.38 años (DT = 3.35). Se desarrolló un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple para evaluar el papel predictor de la inteligencia emocional (atención emocional, claridad emocional y reparación de las emociones) sobre la felicidad subjetiva percibida en estudiantes de trabajo social. La claridad emocional y la reparación de las emociones fueron predictores significativos positivos de la felicidad subjetiva, mientras que la atención emocional fue un predictor significativo negativo. Los estudiantes y futuros trabajadores sociales tienen que entender y manejar sus estados emocionales, de tal manera que les permita tanto afrontar sus propias frustraciones como constituirse en referentes de los usuarios para imponerse a sus dificultades. Se corrobora la necesidad de fomentar la inteligencia emocional entre los estudiantes y futuros trabajadores sociales, ya que esto constituye un factor de protección que puede aumentar su bienestar y concretamente, su felicidad subjetiva. Las experiencias de afecto negativas que sufren los trabajadores sociales demandan planes de estudio en los que se fomente la inteligencia emocional.

Abstract As a result of the excessive bureaucratization of social service organizations, among other factors, social workers have many job responsibilities (López & Chaparro, 2006; Montagud, 2016). Social workers suffer negative experiences and a high psychosocial risk which affect their well-being and work performance (i. e., emotional fatigue, job dissatisfaction, mental overload, burnout, decrease in happiness, ethical conflicts) (Bunce, Lonsdale, King, Childs, & Bennie, 2019; Caravaca, Carrión, & Pastor, 2018; Grootegoed & Smith, 2018; Prada-Ospina, 2019; Sabater, De Armas, & Cabezas, 2019; Urien, Díez, & Osca, 2019; Vallellano & Rubio-Valdehita, 2018). Given this reality, it is very important that Social Work students develop, during their training process, emotional competencies to cope with such professional demands (Bedoya-Gallego, Buitrago-Duque, & Vanegas-Arbeláez, 2019; Stanley & Bhuvaneswari, 2016). The characteristics of the job require knowledge of the mechanisms that influence the welfare of Social Work students in order to incorporate specific training strategies into teaching plans that prepare them to face the high work demands that can affect their welfare and performance (Blakemore & Agllias, 2019; Borrego-Alés, Vázquez-Aguado, & Orgambídez-Ramos, 2020; Fernández-Berrocal & Extremera, 2009). Despite the considerable shortage of research about the implications of emotional intelligence in the field of Social Work, emotional competence has proven to be essential to explain the personal well-being of students and social intervention professionals, characterized by a high burden of work and high rates of psychological distress and burnout (Bae et al., 2020; Esteban, 2014; Mikulic, Crespi, & Radusky, 2015). A descriptive and correlational cross-sectional study was carried out. 187 students of first (n = 105) and second year (n = 82) of the University of Malaga´s Social Work Degree (Spain) participated. 89.30 % of them was women and the average age was 20.38 years (SD = 3.35). A multiple linear regression model evaluated the predictive role of emotional intelligence (attention, clarity and emotional repair) on the subjective happiness perceived in Social Work students. Emotional clarity and emotional repair were significant positive predictors of subjective happiness, while emotional attention was a significant negative predictor. Of the three independent variables, emotional repair was positioned as the strongest predictor of the perception of subjective happiness. This fact corroborates that emotional repair is especially important to predict the levels of subjective happiness and life satisfaction of university students (Cejudo, López-Delgado, & Rubio, 2016; Extremera, Salguero, & Fernández-Berrocal, 2011). High levels of emotional repair are essential for proper psychological functioning and mental health. In this sense, people tend to develop pleasant activities that distract them and therefore contribute to their happiness (Guerra-Bustamante, León-del-Barco, Yuste-Tosina, López-Ramos, & Mendo-Lázaro, 2019). Individuals who can clearly identify their emotions and believe that they can repair their negative moods minimize the impact of stressful events and generate more positive emotions (Extremera et al., 2011). In social workers, emotions can be understood both as a dynamic resource, whose research can protect professionals and users, and as patterns of organizational and professional relationships, in which emotional states are constituted as phenomena that can be managed and controlled during professional practice (O'Connor, 2020). The need to foster emotional intelligence among students and future social workers is confirmed. It constitutes a protective factor that can increase their well-being and, specifically, their subjective happiness. The negative experiences of affection that social workers suffer demand curricula that promote emotional intelligence. The students and future social workers have to understand and manage their emotional states. It allows them both to face their own frustrations and to become referents for the users when they overcome their difficulties.

Rev. Psicol. Saúde ; 12(4): 159-174, out.-dez. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279693


Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir o trabalho em equipe e intersetorial nas políticas sociais, na área da Saúde e Assistência Social, que assistem à População em Situação de Rua. A pesquisa empreendida é de natureza qualitativa. Para produção de dados, fez-se uso de entrevista semiestruturada, observação no cotidiano dos serviços e diário de campo. Participaram do estudo 15 profissionais integrantes das equipes dos serviços especializados na assistência à População em Situação de Rua, sendo cinco do Consultório na Rua e 10 do Centro Especializado para População em Situação de Rua. O perfil do público assistido, composto por necessidades complexas e que se estendem aos diversos núcleos profissionais e políticas setoriais, exige outras nuances ao fazer profissional: a imperatividade do trabalho em equipe e intersetorial. Embora imprescindível, tal perspectiva de trabalho colaborativo e em rede enfrenta desafios que comprometem a resolutividade e qualidade da assistência prestada.

This paper aims to discuss team and intersectoral work in social policies, in the field of Health and Social Care, that assist Population in Street Situation. The research carried out is of qualitative nature. For data production, we used a semi-structured interview script, observation of the services, and field diary. Participants were 15 professionals who are part of the teams of specialized services in care of Population in Street Situation, five of them were from the Street Clinic, and ten from the Centre for Population in Street Situation. The profile of the public attending these services, composed by complex needs, which are extended to several professional nuclei and sector politics, print other nuances to professional practice, such as the need for team and intersectoral work, which, although indispensable, face challenges that compromise the quality and resolution of the care provided.

Este artículo objetivó discutir el trabajo en equipo e intersectorial en las políticas sociales, en el área de la Salud y Asistencia Social, que asisten a la Población en Situación de Calle. Esta investigación tiene naturaleza cualitativa. Se utilizó entrevista semiestructurada, observación del cotidiano de los servicios y uso de diario de campo. Participaron del estudio 15 profesionales miembros de los equipos de los servicios especializados en asistencia a la Población en Situación de Calle, siendo cinco del Consultorio en la Calle y diez del Centro Especializado para la Población en Situación de Calle. El perfil del público asistido, compuesto de necesidades complejas y que se amplían a los diversos núcleos profesionales y políticas sectoriales, imprime otros matices al hacer profesional, como el imperativo del trabajo en equipo e intersectorial, que, aunque sean esenciales, enfrentan desafíos que comprometen la resolución y calidad de la asistencia proporcionada.

Gac Sanit ; 33(4): 341-347, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30146179


OBJECTIVE: To assess the amount of employment generated from the effective development of the Dependency Act in 2012, by evaluating the number of jobs depending on whether in-kind services or cash benefits were applied. METHODS: The level and total costs of dependency were obtained by using the Survey on Disability, Personal Autonomy and Dependency Situations of 2008. The consumption of dependent households was collected from the Household Budget Survey of 2012 carried out by the Spanish Statistics Institute. The impact on employment was estimated using an extended Input-Output model based on Symmetric Input-Output Tables and labour data from the Spanish National Accounts Base. RESULTS: The total estimated costs of dependency in 2012 were 4,545 million Euros for in-kind services and 2,662 for cash benefits. One hundred and ninety-five thousand, six hundred and sixty-eight jobs were generated in 2012 from dependency costs, and132,997 were linked to in-kind services and 62,671 to cash benefits. Every million Euros allocated for dependency by the Government returned 53.33 jobs linked to in-kind services and 46.21 to cash benefits. Furthermore, 341,505 jobs would have been created if dependency benefits had been exclusively offered via in-kind services. CONCLUSIONS: Dependency benefits were equally distributed between in-kind services and cash benefits in 2012. Given that two out of three job positions generated from dependency benefits are linked to in-kind services, while the remaining third is generated by cash benefits, we conclude that around 146 thousand more jobs would have been generated if benefits had been offered as in-kind services instead of overusing cash benefits.

Emprego/estatística & dados numéricos , Serviços de Saúde para Idosos/legislação & jurisprudência , Assistência de Longa Duração/legislação & jurisprudência , Idoso , Custos e Análise de Custo , Regulamentação Governamental , Serviços de Saúde para Idosos/economia , Serviços de Saúde para Idosos/organização & administração , Serviços de Saúde para Idosos/estatística & dados numéricos , Humanos , Assistência de Longa Duração/economia , Assistência de Longa Duração/organização & administração , Assistência de Longa Duração/estatística & dados numéricos , Dinâmica Populacional , Espanha
An Pediatr (Engl Ed) ; 91(1): 37-41, 2019 Jul.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30424952


OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical and epidemiological features, management, and follow-up of child abuse suspicions diagnosed in the Paediatric Emergency Unit. METHODS: A single-centre, observational and retrospective study was conducted between 2008 and 2017. Clinical, epidemiological and follow-up data were collected in those patients younger than 16 that were reported as child abuse suspicions. A descriptive and analytic study was performed, as well as a bivariate and multivariate analysis. RESULTS: A total of 404 out of 570,648 emergency patients (0.07%) were diagnosed with potential abuse. Physical abuse was the most frequent kind of abuse (40.3%). The median age was 4.3 years (IQR 1.6-10.2), and 55% were girls, with sexual abuse being more common in them (OR 3.71; 95% CI: 2.23-6.17), and physical abuse more frequent in boys (OR 1.72; 95% CI: 1.15-2.57). A total of 89 patients (22%) required admission. Age and type of abuse were independently associated with risk of admission. More than half (56%) of the cases required additional follow-up, with sexual (OR 3.98; 95% CI: 1.93-7.03) and emotional abuse (OR 4.93; 95% CI: 1.82-13.35) requiring more mental health follow-up, and physical abuse requiring more social services follow-up (OR 4.39; 95% CI: 1.61-11.98). CONCLUSIONS: In our study, child abuse is more frequent in pre-school children. Age and type of abuse are associated with the need of admission. The kind of follow-up is determined by the type of abuse.

Abuso Sexual na Infância/estatística & dados numéricos , Maus-Tratos Infantis/estatística & dados numéricos , Serviço Hospitalar de Emergência , Hospitalização/estatística & dados numéricos , Adolescente , Fatores Etários , Criança , Maus-Tratos Infantis/terapia , Abuso Sexual na Infância/terapia , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Seguimentos , Humanos , Lactente , Masculino , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fatores Sexuais
Pesqui. prát. psicossociais ; 12(2): 439-452, ago. 2017.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-895281


Apresentamos neste trabalho reflexões e análises advindas de uma pesquisa-intervenção do tipo qualitativa e de caráter comunitário em que se aliam psicologia social de base sócio-histórica e musicoterapia social comunitária. O artigo trata da música como mediadora de encontros em um Centro de Referência de Assistência Social (CRAS) situado na região metropolitana de Curitiba. A música como mediadora de encontros pôde constituir um tipo de experiência coletiva, criativa, afetiva, polissêmica e polifônica. A música é compreendida como processo e produto humano, possibilitando abertura de espaços para criação e fortalecimento de laços sociais. Os resultados apontam, nesta experiência, um aumento da potência de existir dos participantes e a criação de um processo coletivo na construção de um NÓS, inaugurando modos de agir, pensar e sentir.

In the present paper we introduce analysis and considerations resulting from a qualitative intervention-research with community character, where social psychology based on social historical psychology is linked to social community music therapy. In it, music is treated as a mediator agent in meetings at a Social Services Center in the metropolitan area of Curitiba. As a mediator agent, music was able to configure a type of creative, affective, polysemic and polyphonic collective experience. Music is seen as a process and human product allowing the opening of spaces for the creation and strengthening of social ties. The results point out in this experience an increase in the participants' existing power and the creation of a collective process in the construction of a WE, inaugurating ways of acting, thinking and feeling.

En el presente trabajo presentamos análisis y consideraciones resultantes de una investigación-intervención cualitativa con carácter comunitario, donde la psicología social basada en la psicología socio-histórica está vinculada a la musicoterapia comunitaria. En el trabajo, la música es tratada como mediadora en las reuniones de un Centro de Servicios Sociales en la área metropolitana de Curitiba. Como mediadora, la música fue capaz de configurar un tipo de experiencia colectiva creativa, afectiva, polisémica y polifónica. La música es vista como un proceso y producto humano que permite la apertura de espacios para la creación y fortalecimiento de los lazos sociales. Los resultados apuntan en esta experiencia un incremento en el poder existente de los participantes y la creación de un proceso colectivo en la construcción de un NOSOTROS, inaugurando modos de actuar, pensar y sentir.

Música , Psicologia Social , Serviço Social , Assistentes Sociais , Sistemas de Apoio Psicossocial
Endocrinol Diabetes Nutr ; 64(3): 138-145, 2017 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28440752


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Malnourishment can be caused by either a lack of food or an excess of low-nutrient foods. Due to several factors, this predisposes children to academic failure. The objective of this study is to estimate the prevalence of school children with eating problems, study their nutrition level, food quality in the diet, and level of physical activity. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study involved the school children between 3 months and 16.5 years of age in the municipalities of Centelles, Hostalets de Balenyà and Sant Martí de Centelles. Personal, age, nutrition and physical activity data were collected for the descriptive and bivariate analyses. RESULTS: A total of 1,374 children were included, of which 122 were under 3 years of age (8.9%). Obesity was recorded in 2.5%, while 17.2, 15.6 and 64.8% were overweight, underweight and of normal weight, respectively. The remaining 1,252 children were over 3 years of age (91.1%), and obesity was recorded in 8.1%, while 26.1, 11.0 and 62.9% were overweight, underweight and of normal weight, respectively. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet decreased significantly with increasing age. The maintenance of body weight was significantly correlated to the consumption of carbohydrates for breakfast before going to school, daily fruit consumption, and not having a need for care from the social services. The differences in physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle proved significant between males and females. CONCLUSION: Being underweight and overweight are factors related to eating habits and dependency upon the social services.

Transtornos da Nutrição Infantil/epidemiologia , Exercício Físico , Comportamento Alimentar , Desnutrição/epidemiologia , Inquéritos Nutricionais , Obesidade Pediátrica/epidemiologia , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Adolescente , Fatores Etários , Antropometria , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Dieta Mediterrânea , Carboidratos da Dieta , Feminino , Frutas , Humanos , Lactente , Masculino , Estado Nutricional , Comportamento Sedentário , Fatores Sexuais , Serviço Social/estatística & dados numéricos , Espanha , Magreza/epidemiologia , Verduras
Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 29: e169210, 2017.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-955865


Resumo Neste trabalho, propusemos uma reflexão acerca dos conhecimentos, posturas éticas e experiências práticas que cursos de graduação em Psicologia podem oferecer para capacitar suas(eus) alunas(os) para atuar no Sistema Único de Assistência Social (SUAS). Para embasar essa discussão, realizamos uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema, entrevistamos profissionais da área e revisitamos os materiais que produzimos ao longo de nossas experiências como docentes e supervisoras de estágio. Partindo da constatação de que há um grande descompasso entre a formação oferecida e o cotidiano de trabalho no SUAS, afirmamos a necessidade de outro modelo de formação, que ofereça elementos para que as(os) jovens psicólogas(os) possam desenvolver práticas inventivas e criativas, que potencializam os saberes locais e respeitam as demandas e potencialidades do território.

Resumen En este artículo, hemos propuesto una reflexión acerca de los conocimientos, postura éticas y experiencias prácticas que un curso de grado en psicología podría ofrecer para capacitar sus estudiantes para trabajar en el Sistema Único de Asistencia Social (SUAS). Para sostener esa discusión, realizamos una revisión bibliográfica acerca del tema, entrevistamos profesionales del área y revisitamos los materiales que producimos al largo de nuestras experiencias como docentes y supervisoras de prácticas. Con base en la constatación de que hay un gran descompaso entre la formación ofrecida y el cotidiano de trabajo en el SUAS, afirmamos la necesidad de otro modelo de formación, que ofrezca elementos para que los jóvenes psicólogos puedan desarrollar practicas creativas e inventivas, que potencializan los saberes locales y respetan las demandas y potencialidades del territorio.

Abstract In this article, we discussed the knowledge, ethical positions and practical experiences that undergraduate Psychology courses could offer to prepare its students to work at the Sistema Único de Assistência Social (SUAS) [Unified Social Assistance System]. To support this discussion, we did a literature review on the subject, interviewed professionals who work at this field and reviewed the material we produced during the years we have worked as professors and internship supervisors. Based on the idea that there is a big gap between the education offered and the daily work at SUAS, we defend the need of another education model, capable of offering elements that help young psychologists develop creative and inventive practices which empower local knowledge and respect the community's demands and potentialities.

Psicologia/educação , Psicologia Social/educação , Serviço Social
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 33(supl.2): e00058116, 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-889793


Abstract: This paper analyses the challenges of building the Welfare State in late democracies in Latin America. The author shows how the literature has identified different social protection patterns in the region and how recent reform models have transformed institutions, in an unfavorable socioeconomic context. The results point to the emergence of a mixture of social protection measures that have increased coverage and reduced poverty, but are unable to guarantee universal citizens' rights and longevity.

Resumo: O artigo analisa os desafios da construção do Estado de Bem-estar Social nas democracias tardias da América Latina. O autor mostra como a literatura identifica diferentes padrões de proteção social na região, e como os recentes modelos de reforma transformaram as instituições em um contexto socioeconômico desfavorável. Os resultados apontam para a emergência de uma mistura de medidas de proteção social que aumentaram a cobertura e reduziram a pobreza, mas que não conseguem garantir os direitos universais e a longevidade dos cidadãos.

Resumen: Este trabajo analiza los desafíos de construir un Estado de Bienestar en las tardías democracias latinoamericanas. El autor muestra cómo dentro de la literatura se han identificado patrones diferentes de protección social y cómo se han transformado las instituciones con los recientes modelos de reforma, dentro de un contexto socioeconómico desfavorable. Los resultados señalan el surgimiento de una mezcla de medidas de protección social, que han incrementado la cobertura en salud y reducido la pobreza, pero que son incapaces de garantizar los derechos universales de los ciudadanos y su esperanza de vida.

Humanos , Gastos em Saúde , Reforma dos Serviços de Saúde , Cobertura Universal do Seguro de Saúde , Política de Saúde , América Latina
Arch. med ; 16(1): 22-31, ene.-jun. 2016. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-834267


Objetivo: determinar las características de los cuidados de larga duración que recibela población adulta mayor institucionalizada y de los beneficiarios de la estrategia liderada por el centro de atención del adulto mayor AMAUTA de la Secretaria de Bienestardel municipio de Medellín durante el año 2012. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio de tipo observacional - descriptivo por medio de entrevistas y revisión de los registros. Se determinaron: las características de los centros, tipos de servicios que prestan y personal disponible; y de los adultos mayores se establecieron datos sociodemográficos,condición de dependencia, estados de salud, actividades sociales y tiempos de atención recibida por adulto mayor. Resultados: se tiene 852 beneficiariosdel programa de asistencia en la red de 16 centros de protección al adulto mayor de la ciudad, la mayoría son de carácter privado que prestan servicios de asistencia social,el equipo es en su mayoría personal auxiliar. Conclusiones: los centros desarrollan un plan de atención gerontológico definido desde la Alcaldía y responde la asistencia habitacional y nutricional, que es determinada por las situaciones de salud y el grado de autonomía.

Objective: determine the characteristics of long- term care that receive the institutionalizedelderly population and of the beneficiaries of the strategy leaded by elderly carecenter (AMAUTA) from Secretary of Welfare of the municipality of Medellín (Colombia)in 2012. Materials and methods: it was conducted an observational - descriptive studythrough interviews and reviews of the records. Were determined: the characteristicsof the centers, types of services provided and available staff; and of the seniors wereestablished socio-demographic data, dependency status, health conditions, social activitiesand the attention time received for each one of the seniors. Results: there are852 beneficiaries of the program of assistance in the network of 16 protection centersfor the seniors of the city, most of them are private institutions that provide welfare services,the team is mainly supported by auxiliary personnel. Conclusions: the centersdevelop a geriatric care plan defined by the municipality and respond to a habitationaland nutritional assistance, defined by health situations and them autonomy grade.

Idoso , Habitação para Idosos , Assistência de Longa Duração , Serviço Social
Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 14(1): 177-190, ene.-jun. 2016. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-794045


Presento en este artículo un análisis sobre las trayectorias de vida de jóvenes que han sido sujetos destinatarios de políticas sociales de atención a la infancia y juventud, y que asisten a la escuela, en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. A partir de un estudio de trayectorias describo las tramas institucionales por las que circulan los individuos jóvenes que viven fuera de sus hogares familiares y que se encuentran en condiciones de pobreza. Así, busco reconstruir la malla institucional que atiende a esta población, de modo tal de poder analizar los circuitos institucionales de atención en los que estas personas jóvenes se encuentran inmersas, indagando particularmente en la relación existente entre el sistema de las políticas asistenciales y el sistema escolar.

This article presents an analysis of the life trajectories of young people who have been beneficiaries of social care policies for children and young people and attend school in the City of Buenos Aires. Through a study of their trajectories this article describes the interactions between institutions and young people that don’ t live in their family homes and are living in poverty. The author reconstructs the institutional safety net that attends to this population, facilitating an analysis of institutional assistance circuits in which these young subjects are immersed, particularly enquiring about the existing relationship between the system of policies that provide assistance and the education system.

Este artigo apresenta uma análise das trajetórias de vida de jovens que foram destinatários de políticas de assistência social para crianças e jovens e que frequentam a escola, na cidade de Buenos Aires. A partir de um estudo das trajetórias, foram descritos os quadros institucionais nos quais estão presentes os jovens que vivem longe de suas casas e famílias e que se encontram em situação de pobreza. Assim, busca-se reconstruir a malha institucional que atende essa população, de modo que seja possível analisar os circuitos institucionais de atenção nos quais esses jovens estão envolvidos, investigando particularmente a relação existente entre o sistema de políticas assistenciais e o sistema escolar.

Instituições Acadêmicas , Adolescente
Enferm Clin ; 26(1): 45-8, 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26549871


The intervention in families with children at risk of abuse stays as a clear example of the need for intersectional coordination mechanisms within the socio-health care framework. Different health services (such as primary care, paediatrics, mental health, community and social services, family support teams and schools) create a network in order to link their main goals in the interest of ensuring children's welfare and improving families situation. This essay aims at describing a performance based on the mentioned guidelines, even though there is no accepted and widespread protocol in this regard. We start our research with a one parent family with two children. The mother suffers from a mental health disorder and she fails to adhere to treatment. Both the father of the two children and his family took advantage of this situation to discredit the mother's capability of taking care of her children. This perception had a great impact in her self-esteem and therefore in her willingness and strength to recover. Meetings were held to share relevant information about both the family's general situation, the children's quality of life and the mother's health. Based on this information, the main goals were set in each professional field in order to develop the intervention project. This example of intersectional coordination shows the importance of its standardization for the sake of ensuring a comprehensive attention towards situations that involve initially individuals but that ends up affecting the whole family.

Proteção da Criança , Saúde Mental , Apoio Social , Serviço Social , Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Transtornos Mentais/terapia , Mães , Aceitação pelo Paciente de Cuidados de Saúde , Qualidade de Vida
Enferm Clin ; 26(1): 49-54, 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26363989


Socio-health interventions include performance and care intended to attend to the needs of people who have suffered a decrease in their personal autonomy because of their age, illness or disability. Oriented towards achieving an improvement in the quality of life of people in that situation, they try to meet the requirements of people in an integrated way. To intervene in those situations involves providing technical aids and environmental, custom and social changes as well as personal care needed to improve their quality of life and enhance their skills and well-being. Scientific advances and demographic and social changes have determined a change in the profile of socio-health interventions' receivers, highlighting longevity, chronicity of processes and aging of the informal caregiver. The aim of this work is to characterize the person receiving the social-health interventions and to reflect on what their needs are. To do this we have conducted a biomedical studies' review through literature searches at ScienceDirect as well as a review of national institutional documentation related to people in dependent situations and their family caregivers. People who need socio-health help establish a heterogeneous population in respect of their needs. Both the person with disabilities and their informal caregiver need to be considered as an object of interest and attention.

Cuidadores , Atenção à Saúde , Necessidades e Demandas de Serviços de Saúde , Humanos , Autonomia Pessoal , Qualidade de Vida , Serviço Social
Enferm Clin ; 26(1): 7-14, 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26363990


AIM: The aim of this paper is to assess the need for a common ethics strategy shared by 2 of the cornerstones of human welfare: the healthcare and social services sectors. METHOD: An observational cross-sectional descriptive study was performed by surveying social services and healthcare professionals. A purposive sampling technique was used. The questionnaire consisted of 10 questions about ethical conflicts in professional practice and respondents' views on a proposed shared approach to bioethics and ethics in social intervention. RESULTS: 124 professionals completed the questionnaire, 56% of the health sector and 44% of the social services sector. About 90% professionals surveyed had had to make difficult ethical decisions in their work and would welcome a common approach to ethics in the social services and healthcare sectors. 75% said that conflicts are occurring more frequently in both sectors simultaneously and that they were resolved preferably individually and independently. CONCLUSIONS: The survey respondents believe that a common approach to tackling ethical conflicts in professional practice is required. Nevertheless, it is still rare for ethics committees to intervene in the conflict resolution process and for decision-making support and evaluation tools to be used.

Atenção à Saúde/ética , Pessoal de Saúde , Serviço Social/ética , Estudos Transversais , Humanos , Inquéritos e Questionários
Rev. CES psicol ; 8(2): 122-137, July-Dec. 2015. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-776992


Los servicios sociales constituyen una importante herramienta de la política social encargada de proveer a la ciudadanía condiciones de bienestar y calidad de vida a través de servicios profesionales dirigidos a la solución de necesidades individuales y locales. En este artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación cualitativa de enfoque crítico social, desde la perspectiva de la Investigación Acción Participativa desarrollada en la Comuna 5 del Municipio de Buenaventura en el pacifico colombiano bajo el direccionamiento del modelo de intervención de la transitividad comunitaria cuyo objetivo fue dinamizar procesos comunitarios para garantizar el acceso a los servicios sociales y la activación de agentes locales para la implementación de escenarios móviles y centros de contacto. Entre los principales resultados se presenta la articulación de tres ejes multisectoriales anudados a dicha implementación en los entornos barriales: Animación sociocultural en la recuperación de activos socioculturales; apoyo psicosocial en la canalización y fortalecimiento de factores protectores; y organización-participación en la consolidación del capital social y el desarrollo de las capacidades comunitarias conducentes a la estructuración de redes de acción y gestión colectiva.

Social services constitute an important tool of social policy responsible for providing citizens welfare conditions and quality of life through professional services for the resolution of individual and local needs. This article presents the results of a qualitative research of critical social approach, from the perspective of Participatory Action Research developed in Commune 5 of the Municipality of Buenaventura in the Pacific zone of Colombia; under the address of the intervention of community transitivity model, whose objective was to energize community processes to ensure access to social services and activation of local agents for the implementation of mobile scenarios and contact centers. The main results presented the joint of three multisectorial tied axes to the implementation of mobile scenarios and contact centers in neighborhood environments: sociocultural animation in order to recover cultural assets; psychosocial support in channeling and strengthening of protective factors; and participative organization for the strengthening of social capital in developing community capacity aimed at structuring action networks and collective management.

Gac Sanit ; 28(5): 389-92, 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24889701


AIM: To calculate the formal cost of social care for people with Alzheimer disease according to the implementation of the dependency law in Gipuzkoa (Spain). METHOD: A retrospective observational study was carried out of the database of the Dependency Care Services of Gipuzkoa from 2007 to 2012, using a prevalence-based bottom-up approach. RESULTS: The average annual formal cost per person was €11,730. The annual population cost was €34.7 million, representing 19% of the annual expenditure corresponding to the dependency law and 29% of the total cost of Alzheimer disease. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the implementation of the new law, most of the burden of the disease is bourne by the family.

Doença de Alzheimer/economia , Efeitos Psicossociais da Doença , Serviço Social/economia , Serviço Social/legislação & jurisprudência , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Doença de Alzheimer/terapia , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Estudos Retrospectivos , Espanha
Med Clin (Barc) ; 141(12): 522-6, 2013 Dec 21.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23481870


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Although elder abuse is not a new phenomenon, it remains hidden. There have been carried out various preliminary studies about the prevalence of elder abuse in different countries. The aim of this study is to estimate the prevalence of suspicion of elder abuse in old persons without cognitive impairment, dwelling in community, who were attended in Primary Health Care or Social Services Centres. PATIENTS AND METHOD: We carried out a transverse study in which 340 elders participated. RESULTS: We found a 12.1% prevalence of suspicion of elder abuse. Psychological abuse suspicion was the most frequent type and it was very common the simultaneous presence of different types of abuse (psychological and physical and sexual). The suspicion of elder abuse was more frequent in women and spouses were responsible in a high great frequency. CONCLUSIONS: The information obtained allows advancing in the knowledge of elder abuse in Spain, where the research about this issue is poor. However, the prevalence found neither has to be considered as a social alarm nor as a social slackness.

Abuso de Idosos/estatística & dados numéricos , Vida Independente , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Prevalência , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Fatores de Risco , Serviço Social , Espanha/epidemiologia